
Virtual Technology Cluster launched to support innovation

Virtual Technology Cluster launched to support innovation

The new Virtual Technology Cluster (VTC), launched by Lockheed Martin and a technology merchant bank, Restoration Partners, is one of a number of initiatives being conducted across the United Kingdom to accelerate innovation and growth.

This aligns with the mission of the Partnership’s Academic Marketplace, which works to support researchers to transform their work into wealth-generating products and services.

The VTC brings together industry, academia and the investment community to connect the growing number of small and medium sized technology developers (SMEs) in the UK with Lockheed Martin’s global supply chain. 

It has been designed to create a community where individuals and SMEs can obtain professional support, guidance and advice, as well as potential investment, to develop their technologies and find a route to market. 

The VTC is also sponsored by large corporations and industry specialists, which members can gain access to through an online portal, conferences and seminars.

While the VTC has an initial focus on cybersecurity, it is also seeking to support companies involved in other emerging technologies.

As they were impressed with the scope and quality of projects featured on the Academic Marketplace, Lockheed Martin and Restoration Partners have invited all marketplace participants to join the VTC.

This collaboration builds on recent work by the Partnership to enhance opportunities for knowledge exchange between marketplace participants and potential business partners from government, industry and the investment community.

Following the launch of the Academic Marketplace in September 2014, there has been increasing interest from stakeholders and it has grown to feature almost 40 projects across the areas of Countering Radicalisation; Cybersecurity; Identity Management; Intelligence Analysis; Security Assessments and Modelling; and Threat Imaging and Sensing.

Applications to the marketplace are currently being invited from researchers in the UK.

To find out more or apply visit the Academic Marketplace page.

For further information on the Virtual Technology Cluster visit

Information can also be obtained by emailing