
Internet of Things meets Cyber Security

Internet of Things meets Cyber Security

20 April 2017 | Edinburgh

9.30am – 3.00pm

CENSIS (Innovation Centre for Sensor and Imaging Systems) and SICSA (the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance) are holding an ’IoT meets cyber security’ workshop at The University of Edinbugh on 20 April.

With the rapid growth in IoT devices, services and interconnectivity and more sophisticated cyber attacks on networks and infrastructure we are facing a range a challenges. The recent botnet attacks on Dyn, the Domain Name System (DNS) provider, brought down sites such as Reddit, Netflix and Twitter; an attack that highlights how vulnerable the Internet of Things can be when it meets cyber.

This event will explore the best practice for protecting IoT devices and services across a range of industries and the potential for innovation opportunities in IoT cyber security.

Who should attend?

This event is suitable to government agencies, universities and companies of all sizes with an interest in the security side of IoT products, devices or services. The event is not aimed at an undergraduate audience but is open to postgraduate students provided they are conducting work in IoT or cyber security.

For further details on the agenda and to register, please visit the CENSIS’ event page