Tackling Modern Slavery in Local Government Supply Chains

Introduction to The University of Cambridge Survey

Tackling Modern Slavery in Local Government Supply Chains

Dear Local Government Officers:

We are seeking your help if you are an officer dealing with suppliers and carrying responsibility for compliance with the TISC Provision (Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, concerning Transparency in Supply Chains). This will include officers who have roles in procurement, compliance, legal and finance/accounting.

Your opinion matters. We invite you to take a few minutes to participate in our survey Tackling Modern Slavery in Local Government Supply Chains

Why is my participation important?

Why is my participation important?

Your responses will help us to develop a balanced understanding of the current practices and policies in relation to addressing Modern Slavery risks within Local Government supply chains, with a focus on challenges and obstacles. This is an opportunity for you to inform development of policies and practices to tackling modern slavery in Local Government supply chains. The information you share will make a positive difference. 

Are my responses confidential?

Yes. Your responses to this survey are strictly confidential. Only the researcher will have access to the surveys and no data will be disclosed to anyone that could be used to identify individual participants.

How long will the survey take?

On average, the survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. 

How will the survey results be used?

The survey is used to obtain officers’ views on issues related to supplier compliance, policies and practices, organisational support, and resources. Survey results will be presented in a summary form in a research report addressed to the TISCreport and the PaCCS, and other academics and stakeholders. 

What if I have questions about the survey?

Additional questions about this survey, please email the placement supervisor, Dr Tristram Riley-Smith, the PaCCS Research Integrator at: tr356@cam.ac.uk 

How can I complete the survey?

The survey is available here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/TISCsurvey 

Thank you! We appreciate your help.