
SEREN 3 Webinar – Social Sciences and Humanities in Security: Writing successful proposals

14 February 2017 |Webinar

11.00-12.00 CET

This webinar equally targets NCPs in Secure Societies and proposers interested to improve their knowledge in socio-economic sciences and humanities (SSH) aspects.

The webinar is organised by SEREN 3, the NCP Network for Secure Societies in collaboration with Net4Society, the network of NCPs for the Societal Challenge 6 – Europe in a changing world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies.

Speaker: Elena MAFFIA

NCP for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 6 – Europe in a changing world: inclusive, innovative and reflective societies, APRE, Italy

Training Objectives:

The socio-economic sciences and humanities (SSH) are considered as a cross-cutting issue and an integrated part of all the Horizon 2020 programme and many topics in Societal Challenges and LEITs are considered as relevant to SSH disciplines. This webinar targets at the Societal Challenge 7 Security topics and addresses to NCPs and applicants. The webinar aims to enhance understanding about SSH aspects and integration in proposals. It will provide key information on features to be considered in proposal preparation for topics that contain SSH-related themes with substantial relevance to the SSH community.

Target Group:

Horizon 2020 NCPs in Secure Societies

Participants in Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 7 Secure Societies under SSH flagged topics

For more information or to register for the event, please visit the event website.