
Value of Culture in Conflict – Talk & Exhibition

29 May 2018 | London | 14:00 – 17:00 

An exhibition and talk about the ‘Value of Culture in Conflict’ project which was awarded with one of our Conflict Theme Innovation Awards in December 2015.

This GCRF (AHRC/ESRC) Funded, PACCS Innovation Grant investigates sustainable livelihood generation pathways for craftswomen in Azad Kashmir (Pakistan) and establishes a framework that advances the way in which we understand the significance of culturally valued creative activities within fragile regions. There will be images and exploratory design pieces made by the women of Kashmir on display.

Organiser: Dr. Neelam Raina (Department of Design, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries, Middlesex University, London)

To register or to contact the organiser, please visit the event page.