
Postdoctoral Research Positions in Islamic Law – Vacancies at the University of Exeter

Postdoctoral Research Positions in Islamic Law – Vacancies at the University of Exeter

We are pleased to announce the Law, Authority and Learning in Imami Shiite Islam project at the University of Exeter is now recruiting three postdoctoral research fellows:

ONE one-year fixed term post focusing on early Islamic legal developments (up until 15th century, with a focus on Imami Shii law) with a preference for those working in the areas of legal theory/legal doctrine OR Fatwas/Fiqh. Closing date 17 October 2018. Job description and details here.  

TWO two-year fixed term posts focusing on classical and postclassical Islamic legal developments (15th century to the modern period, with a focus on Imami Shii law) with a preference for those working in the area of legal educational institutions OR law/politics. Closing date 18 October 2018.  Job description and details are here