
Yongyu Zeng joins PaCCS and the TISC Report

Yongyu Zeng joins PaCCS and the TISC Report

PaCCS is excited to announce that Yongyu Zeng will be joining PaCCS and the TISC Report (the Transparency in Supply Chains Platform) for a three month research placement this spring. 

Yongyu obtained her MRes in Criminology (Distinction) and BA in Social Sciences (Sociology and Criminology) and is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Manchester. Her research focuses on financial markets, and analyzes the practices and relations among actors that are variously embedded in legitimate businesses and markets but engaged in insider dealing for illegal benefits. She is interested in the ‘crimes of the powerful’ – more specifically the organisation of financial, white-collar, corporate, serious and organised crimes. Her main methodological interests are mixed-methods, crime script and social network analyses, to understand how these crimes are organised.

Throughout the course of her placement with the TISC report, Yongyu will work with TISC’s Supply Chain Data; collating and analysing the results; drafting a report for TISC which can be shared with the PaCCS community and other interested parties. Her work will focus on analyzing data on global supply chains to identify and understand indicators of potential criminal activity including corruption, money laundering, bribery, modern slavery. 

UKRI’s Partnership for Conflict, Crime & Security Research (PaCCS) is seeking a research student to undertake a placement, spending three months with  to This is a fixed term placement for 3 months between April and August 2020. 

This placement is part of the PaCCS programme Transnational Organised Crime: Deepening & Broadening Our Understanding