Tom Wakeford- Coventry University

Name: Tom Wakeford

Organisation: Coventry University

Disciplinary Area: Transdisciplinary

Research Area: Participatory approaches, action research, community engagement, people’s knowledge.

Role: Research Provider


Which call are you planning to apply for?


What are your research interests? As a participatory action researcher, I engages people in contributing to the transformation of research and practice across a range of subjects. I have led, evaluated or been a research collaborator in numerous participatory action research processes within three broad themes:

  1. Food security, justice, health and sustainability.
  2. Diversities of knowledge, particularly expertise gained through experience and inclusivity in relation to ethno-cultural diversity, indigenous peoples, gender, age, disabled people and sexuality.
  3. New technologies, including nanotechnology, synthetic biology, genetic modification.


What is your offer? 

I am a practitioner in the field of public knowledge and can draw on twenty years experience of tackling local and global challenges in collaboration with those who derive their knowledge from life experience.

Who would you like to collaborate with?

Anyone who values the application of participatory approaches to research.

What are your geographical areas/countries of interest?

International, but my expertise outside the UK has mainly been in India.