Name: Zoe Fortune
Organisation: Freedom Fund
Disciplinary Area: Modern Slavery; Trafficking
Research Area: Prevalence; effectiveness of interventions to reduce prevalence; systems level change; legal strategies; mental health; safer migration; working with local CSOs/CBOs
Role: Research Provider
Which call are you planning to apply for?
Transnational Organised Crime
What are your research interests?
We wish to further understanding of the prevalence of modern slavery in all its forms at a global and local level. We seek to understand what are the most effective interventions to reduce prevalence and how best to generate, and also measure, systems level change. We wish to know how organisations work and collaborate with one another and how best to support them. Other specific areas of interest are mental health, safer migration and legal strategies to fight slavery. We also wish to further the field of measurement of hidden/hard-to-reach populations.
What is your offer?
We bring expertise on modern slavery and trafficking and work extensively with local grassroots organisations across several countries. We collaborate with multiple local CSO/CBOs as well as research organisations. We provide platforms and tools for many organisations to connect and also focus on global issues such as mental health, safer migration and legal tools.
Who would you like to collaborate with?
Academics, other research institutions, INGOs and local NGOs, measurement specialists. Open to collaboration in formal and informal way; wish to share and build on knowledge and learning.